turtlebot-interface [クラス]
:super robot-interface
:slots nil
:bumper-vector nil [メソッド]
- Get bumper value vector.
:button-vector nil [メソッド]
- Get button value vector.
:wheel-drop-vector nil [メソッド]
- Get wheel drop sensor vector.
:cliff-vector nil [メソッド]
- Get cliff sensor vector.
:cliff-bottom-vector nil [メソッド]
- Get cliff bottom vector.
:imucoords nil [メソッド]
- Get imucoords.
:power-system-vector nil [メソッド]
- Get power system vector.
:publish-led id value [メソッド]
- Publish topic to turn on/off LEG. id should be 1-2. Value should be :black, :green, :orange, and :red.
:publish-sound value [メソッド]
- Publish topic to turn on sound. value should be :on, :off, :recharge, :button, :error, :cleaningstart, and :cleaningend.
:go-stop &optional (force-stop t) [メソッド]
- Stop go-velocity mode.
:go-pos x y &optional (d 0) [メソッド]
- Move to desired x y position and yaw orientation. x and y is [m] and d is [deg].
:go-velocity x y d &optional (msec 1000) &key (stop t) (wait) [メソッド]
- Moving by desired x y translational velocity and yaw rotational velocity. x and y is [m/s] and d is [deg/s].
dxl-7dof-arm-interface [クラス]
:super robot-interface
:slots nil
:set-compliance-slope id slope [メソッド]
- Set compliance slope for one joint. id should be 1-7. slope is 32 by default.
:compliance-slope-vector av [メソッド]
- Set compliance slope vector for all joints. #f(32 32 32 32 32 32 32) by default.
:set-torque-limit id torque-limit [メソッド]
- Set torque limit for one joint. id should be 1-7. torque-limit should be within [0, 1].
:torque-enable id torque-enable [メソッド]
- Configure joint torque mode for one joint. id sohuld be 1-7. If torque-enable is t, move to torque control mode, otherwise, move to joint positoin mode.
:servo-on id [メソッド]
- Servo On for one joint. id should be 1-7.
:servo-off id [メソッド]
- Servo Off for one joint. id should be 1-7.
:servo-on-all nil [メソッド]
- Servo On for all joints.
:servo-off-all nil [メソッド]
- Servo Off for all joints.
:start-grasp &optional (arm :arm) &key ((:gain g) 0.5) ((:objects objs) objects) [メソッド]
- Start grasp mode.
:stop-grasp &optional (arm :arm) &key (wait nil) [メソッド]
- Stop grasp mode.
dxl-armed-turtlebot-robot [クラス]
:super turtlebot-with-sensors-robot
:slots arm-robot arm-base-fixed-joint
dxl-armed-turtlebot-interface [クラス]
:super robot-interface
:slots nil
:set-compliance-slope id slope [メソッド]
- Set compliance slope for one joint. id should be 1-7. slope is 32 by default.
:compliance-slope-vector av [メソッド]
- Set compliance slope vector for all joints. #f(32 32 32 32 32 32 32) by default.
:set-torque-limit id torque-limit [メソッド]
- Set torque limit for one joint. id should be 1-7. torque-limit should be within [0, 1].
:torque-enable id torque-enable [メソッド]
- Configure joint torque mode for one joint. id sohuld be 1-7. If torque-enable is t, move to torque control mode, otherwise, move to joint positoin mode.
:servo-on id [メソッド]
- Servo On for one joint. id should be 1-7.
:servo-off id [メソッド]
- Servo Off for one joint. id should be 1-7.
:servo-on-all nil [メソッド]
- Servo On for all joints.
:servo-off-all nil [メソッド]
- Servo Off for all joints.
:start-grasp &optional (arm :arm) &key ((:gain g) 0.5) ((:objects objs) objects) [メソッド]
- Start grasp mode.
:stop-grasp &optional (arm :arm) &key (wait nil) [メソッド]
- Stop grasp mode.
:bumper-vector nil [メソッド]
- Get bumper value vector.
:button-vector nil [メソッド]
- Get button value vector.
:wheel-drop-vector nil [メソッド]
- Get wheel drop sensor vector.
:cliff-vector nil [メソッド]
- Get cliff sensor vector.
:cliff-bottom-vector nil [メソッド]
- Get cliff bottom vector.
:imucoords nil [メソッド]
- Get imucoords.
:power-system-vector nil [メソッド]
- Get power system vector.
:publish-led id value [メソッド]
- Publish topic to turn on/off LEG. id should be 1-2. Value should be :black, :green, :orange, and :red.
:publish-sound value [メソッド]
- Publish topic to turn on sound. value should be :on, :off, :recharge, :button, :error, :cleaningstart, and :cleaningend.
:go-stop &optional (force-stop t) [メソッド]
- Stop go-velocity mode.
:go-pos x y &optional (d 0) [メソッド]
- Move to desired x y position and yaw orientation. x and y is [m] and d is [deg].
:go-velocity x y d &optional (msec 1000) &key (stop t) (wait) [メソッド]
- Moving by desired x y translational velocity and yaw rotational velocity. x and y is [m/s] and d is [deg/s].
turtlebot-init &key (objects) [関数]
- Initialization function for riand turtlebot.
dxl-7dof-arm-init nil [関数]
- Initialization function for riand dxl-7dof-arm.
dxl-armed-turtlebot nil [関数]
- Generation function for dxl-armed-turtlebot-robot.
dxl-armed-turtlebot-init &key (objects) [関数]
- Initialization function for riand dxl-armed-turtlebot.